
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Paper Dolls in the Afternoon

Paper Dolls in the Afternoon

       Thanks to my sister-in-law, Emily's, suggestion that we go to an antique store in Wexford, PA last week, I am now the proud owner of some out-of-print paper dolls (although perhaps I should say that Liliana is the proud owner since she has sort of claimed ownership of them!).  We spent a quiet afternoon with me cutting out the Polly Pratt dolls and animals and Liliana playing with them.  She especially loved the horse, the dog, and Polly's witch hat from the Hallowe'en party page. She also loved running out to Daddy, squealing "Daddy, neigh!" and "Daddy, witch hat!"  
       These are reproductions from the 1920's that were originally printed in Good Housekeeping magazine--wouldn't it be amazing to have the originals!?!  The artist of these is Sheila Young, who also drew the Betty Bonnet paper dolls with which I played for endless hours when I was little (which were originally published in Ladies' Home Journal from 1908 to 1919). 

       I was surprised at how quiet Vera Rose had become (she had been playing beneath the table at our feet).  There she was, fast asleep!

1 comment:

  1. I love how Liliana is talking so much more, and that picture of her with the paper doll book is sweet!
