
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankfulness Tree

We are so thankful...


       Prompted by seeing my sister and others make Thankfulness Trees in the past, we created our own little version today.  We utilized a tree branch that had been anchored in a little circle of concrete (a garage sale find from years ago), then cut out leaf shapes from orange and yellow scrapbook paper.  Then the fun began! 
       I asked Liliana what she was thankful for, what she was happy that she had, what items or people made her glad that God had given them to her...and as you can imagine, her answers were delightful!  Her answers varied from the expected ("Vera Rose," "Mommy," "Daddy") to the exquisitely 2-year-old ("Cookies and pie and pumpkin pie and presents for my birthday," to naming her favorite flavors of babyfood: "peas, carrots, banana-orange, and peaches").  I enjoyed praying with thanksgiving through my own jotted thoughts on my blessings which seem so numerous this year.  Vera Rose had only one comment when I asked her what she was thankful for: "elbows" so we now have a leaf denoting that body part, and after thinking on it, I am very glad that we can bend our arms.  I'm eager for Brian to return home from work because Liliana has a pile of blank leaves just waiting for his thoughts as well.  I'm so glad we have a holiday to remind us of our blessings and all that God has done and given us. 

       If you stop by, be sure to jot down your own thankful thoughts, whether here on this blog or on our little tree at home!  Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Vera Rose does make a really good point. Life would be a heck of a lot more difficult without elbows.

    1. I so agree! I thought it such a rediculous thing to write down "elbow" but throughout the last day, especially when Vera Rose points to my or her own elbow (which seems to be a lot lately!), I find myself thinking about how essential they are. She's the brightest of us all...
