
Friday, March 22, 2013

Easter Sprinkle Pretzels

Pretzel Rods dipped in Sprinkles

        As Liliana and Vera Rose's church Easter program and party approached, we all eagerly awaited the fun. We practiced the songs daily until the final Saturday practice and party were upon us. What should we bring to share as a treat for the other boys and girls? I finally decided upon plain old pretzel rods (which Liliana erroneously calls "curtain rods"), decorated a bit with a dip of white chocolate and Easter sprinkles. They weren't super sweet, nor were they complicated and Liliana was able to help sprinkle the sprinkles. I melted Wilton's white chocolate melts, used a spoon to cover just the tip and part of the end of a pretzel rod, then held the pretzel over a mug on a tray as Liliana poured the sprinkles (the mug allowed us to continually reuse the fallen sprinkles) and then we arranged them in a bunch of mugs, sprinkled-tip up until they cooled/dried. It took longer than I expected but it was so worth it when Liliana was able to give them out to her Sunday School friends and when I saw even the older kids happily debating which color they wanted.
        It was a fun practice, a great party, and an even better performance last Sunday as I silently laughed until tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched the antics of a 3-year-old on stage for an hour of sweetly singing (plus some jumping, exploring, twirling and meandering around the stage--yes, my little girl was the most active of the not-intended-to-be-active program).  I am so glad that Christ is alive so that all the children may have a personal Savior to rejoice in this Easter. 

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