
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Petits Fours on Limoges

Petits Fours on Limoges

       We made a batch of petits fours glaces yesterday to add to the French food that my mom was serving at her Questers meeting last night (The Questers International is a group devoted to the study of antiques and history) as she presented her paper and research on the French porcelain known as Limoges.

       Limoges is my absolute favorite kind of dishware because the moltant gold is so luxurious and so glorious--not to mention their equisite floral patterns. Limoges is a region of France with many porcelain factories that produced hard-paste porcelain starting in 1771, after they discovered kaolin in the locale (kaolin was the ingredient that helped achieve porcelain that could resemble Chinese porcelain).

       So, Liliana watched and mixed and today she tasted!
Yes, she picked a fairy princess dress to wear today! And her favorite French baked good was the Madeline cookies that her Grandma made (partly because they tasted divine but also, I suspect, because she loves the Madeline books by Bemelmans right now).


  1. All right, what's your secret? How do you get Liliana to smile so much? Seems like every time I get out the camera she gets all self-conscious...oh well, at least I get to enjoy your great photos.

    1. Well, I'm sure it's partly luck and partly that I don't post the ones where she isn't smiling BUT I'm sure you have noticed that ever since she was a baby, I always made a big deal of her smiling. Plus, when I'm taking a picture of her during an activity, I just keep saying things like, "Liliana, are you eating Madelines and wearing a fairy princess dress?!?" in an overly happy, excited voice and she easily smiles because she's a happy girl. When she smiles on prompt, I give her lots of happy attention. I'm sure if you spend some time asking her if she's so happy while smiling at her and you'll see those smiles--even if you have your camera out! And besides, I've seen those smiling pictures that you have taken!
