
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vera Rose & Her Crib


Sleeping in Her Crib       Last night was the grand experiment: Could Vera Rose sleep in a crib instead of between Brian and I in our bed?  We moved into our bedrooms on the top floor as of yesterday since our mattress and the second crib mattress had just arrived and the upstairs floors are now dry and hardened (the wood floors were refinished).  After dismantling Liliana's crib, carrying it up two flights, and reassembling it (plus so many other details), we were ready to see how Vera Rose would do--and I was fully prepared for a very sleepless night of calls from our dear baby.  Well, the first hour was full of unrelenting screams as I read Beatrix Potter to the girls and as I sang song after song.  Then, suddenly, Vera Rose sat down in the crib, and then lay down in that cute baby way with her little diaper in the air and her face nestled against the mattress.  And she slept--and slept and slept and slept!  At 10 am this morning I heard my little girls start to babble to each other and went over to see--and a smiling, happy baby is what I found!  I can not believe she slept all night long so easily (not counting that first part!).  I hope tonight goes well, too!

Update: We have now had 3 full nights of blissful sleeping in a row! The second night, Vera Rose cried just for 30 seconds at a time, about once every 5 minutes, while I read aloud to her and she fell asleep after about a half an hour.  The third night, Vera Rose cried for just a few seconds at a time and fell asleep after 15 minutes (although I ended up reading aloud to Liliana for about an hour or two because she was awake and loving it!).   Each night, neither of the girls awoke during the night and they slept in until 9 or 10 am each morning.  This was SOOOO much easier than I expected!  I'm sure there will be moments when I'll miss my little snugly baby cuddling next to me (plus it made it easier for nursing), but I am simply loving the special bedtime storytime and the extra space in our bed!  Thank you for your prayers.


  1. I'll pray that things go well for night two and beyond.

    It was hard for us when we moved Anderson up to his own room and crib and out of our room and bed.

    1. Thank you! We appreciate the prayer. I doubt we'll be fortunate enough to have another sleep-through-the-night night but we shall see! And I'm about to try her first nap in the crib so we shall see how that goes, too!

  2. I know I've told you this already, but I can't believe how tiny she looks in the crib. I guess she's still a baby!
